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Premises Liability



Millions of Americans enter restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, theme parks, hospitals, and all other types of establishments each day. On any given day, a person entering one of these establishments is injured by slipping on a wet or dirty floor, tripping over objects in places where they shouldn’t be, by poorly maintained equipment, or by having improperly stacked merchandise fall on them. Attorneys at Locke Meredith, Sean Fagan & Associates have experience representing individuals injured due to a property owner’s negligence and are here to fight for you. 


What Is A Premise Liability Claim?


Slip and fall accidents are not the only types of premises liability claims. Property owners owe all invitees a duty of care that extends beyond simple cleaning and maintenance of the floors. Whenever you enter a premises, it should be kept in a reasonably safe condition. That includes the security of the premises against theft and assaults, the sturdy construction and sound condition of the premises, and the maintenance of fire alarms and sprinklers. Any place that is open to the public has a responsibility to maintain that establishment in a safe and clean condition. When an establishment fails to do so, it can be held responsible for injuries that occur as a result of its negligence. The injuries that victims of unsafe premises face can be substantial, and you deserve to be compensated for your injuries. 


Experienced Attorneys at Locke Meredith, Sean Fagan & Associates Handle Premises Liability Claims 


Slip and falls top the list for most common premises liability cases, however, premises liability law extends beyond these scenarios. Other examples of when a business might be liable include injuries due to fires, dog bites, swimming pool incidents, or toxic substances.


Our lawyers will handle personal injuries and deaths involving:


  • Dog Bites

  • Slip and Falls

  • Elevators or Escalator Accidents

  • Amusement Park Accidents

  • Sidewalk or Patio Trip and Falls

  • Swimming Pool Accidents

  • Toxic Gas or Fume Injuries

  • Fires

  • Assaults, Battery, or Thefts Due to Negligent Security Measures


More often than not, a business will later deny that anything ever happened, or that they were at fault for anything, so it’s up to you to prepare yourself in case you need to make a claim. Many people recover completely from a slip or fall, however, some victims suffer serious injuries, especially to their shoulders, knees, and backs, which sometimes they never fully recover from, even after painful and expensive surgery. Those victims can end up losing their jobs because they can’t physically do it anymore, and medical bills begin to pile up because they can’t pay them. Our attorneys can assist you in recovering the compensation you deserve.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a premises liability accident, the attorneys at Locke Meredith, Sean Fagan & Associates are here to serve you. We are committed to helping the people whom we represent through the legal process with passion, professionalism, and proven results.



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